Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Safe Swimming

I wanted to swim across the lake without having to tow the kayak and thought of a lifeguard buoy tube. I check the local surf shops and marine shop with no luck. They have them on Amazon for $45. So what would John do? Make one of course.

I bought two different size "noodle" tubes for $2.99 total. I already had some webbing and cord. I cut the noodles at 40" ( official lifeguard size. I was a lifeguard before), soaped them up and pushed the together. Ran the webbing though the middle. Hand sewed ( I brought my sewing kit but left the machine in Missouri) a buckle on one end and a loop on the other. I had a leash for the kayak and repurposed it. Add rescue whistle on a sting and there you have it. One personal flotation device. Wrap the leash around my ankle and off I went. I swam the 1/4 mile to the beach on the other side. Rested and swam back. I tested it out and the tube will keep me floating if I clip it under my arms or sit on it otherwise just follows behind. Now if I can just attached a drink holder!

After lunch I went for a bicycle ride on the CCRT. Cape Cod Rail Trail. It's 22 miles long. My camp ground is in the middle and starts about mile 10. I rode north along the trail to the end and checked out the beaches on the way back. On the ocean side of the island the beaches are way down below the living area. Must be the geography. About 4 miles from home a thunder stein rolled it and I got wet. Actually it was nice to cool off.

Miles swam: 1/2
Miles peddled: 32
Scoops of ice cream: 1 (coffee) (yum)
Iced tea and pink lemonade: large quantities.
Hours of fun: many

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