Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bad drivers and attack clams.

Mass drivers are the worst.

Cut in front of me on the freeway within less then a car length Then slow down to get off at an exit with no one behind me for half a mile.

I'll leave space in front of me for breaking distance and people will pull out and I'd have to break to avoid hitting them.

This all confirmed by a local police officer who was camping in the park. ( He was in the Military and had need to Whidbey NAS. )

The only person that waved when I let them in was from Connecticut.

A man in Starbucks asked me about the RV. He said the attitude of the drivers is that where they are going is more important then anyone else and it's their road. Everyone should get out of their way.

I went for a bicycle ride and at a four way stop sign I waited with a car along side of me and went with them. As I proceeded the car to the right pulled forward into the crosswalk and blocked my path.

And if the bad driving wasn't enough. I was sitting in my campsite, which was on the edge of the campground, watching the sunset. A man walk in front of me and stood there until it went down. He looked around many times and ignored me. Sun set and he walked away. You can see him in one of the pictures.

Cape Cod was nice and there where some nice people but I'll be glad to get out of this state.

Went for a run along the beach this morning. What a difference with no people and low tide. Had to watch out for the attack clams going after my toes :-)

Miles driven: 64
Defensive driving maneuvers: 3,624 and counting.

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