Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Driving the ridges & Paddling upstream.

Last night after my run I was able to take a shower without turning the water heater on. The water was warm enough just from the heat of the day. the RV just soaks up the heat. Overnight the temperature dropped to the mid 70's and it was cool sleeping.

Today was driving the northern 80 miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the entire 105 miles of the Skyline drive. They are definitely two of the most scenic roads meant for travel.y average speed including a few short stops was 35 mph. The speed limits are 45 and 35. Views every where but don't look too long because there's another turn coming. I made a couple of videos so you can get the feeling. They are 3-4 minutes each. Nothing dramatic (except the view) so watch what you like.

After 6 hours of driving I ended up at the Shenandoah River State Campground. Parked. Lowered the kayak and off to the water. Without a shuttle my only choice is to paddle upstream first. It was good enough for Lewis and Clark. The river report was below normal at 650 cfm and water temp 80°. Some areas where easy to get up and others more challenging. Like climbing stairs sitting down facing up. I measured the river speed at 2 miles per hour and I can paddled against the flow at 4 mph. So up I went. About a mile up it got really shallow so I turned around and floated back. If was fun trying to read the water and find the flows.

They had an electrical storm last week as well as the recent wind storm and there are wild fires in the area. So if the photos look like smoke, it is. (except the one of me, I was using the waterproof cover)

(I'll imbed the videos next time I can get the computer online. It's to hard with the iPhone)

Link to Blue Ridge Parkway

Like to Skyline Drive

Link to river

Miles: 216
Music: Genius mix.
Bears: 1
Wild Turkeys: 2
Deer: 3
Rabbits: to many to count

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