Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Camp ground lesson from Massachusetts

There is an online company called Reserve America that you can reserve camp sights all over the country. All of the Massachusetts State Parks use them. Reserve America charges a translation fee of around $8 per reservation and you can see what sites are available. I used them before for Cape Cod. I had looked at the park from last night and saw lots of spaces so I waited to just check in at the camp ground and save the fee. What I didn't know was that you can't make same day reservations. So when I got to the new park this afternoon they where full! Then I drove around and checked 3 other nearby parks and all full. One area maned by two grumpy old guys. They could barely look up and just said "we are full. You are too late. You should have called yesterday." I tried to talk to them and explain I just needed a place to park and no hookups they could care less. Right near the entrance was a large open grassy field that would have been just fine. I don't know why they wouldn't let me stay ?

I tried calling the camp grounds the day of and all I got was a recording to call Reserve America. I called Reserve Amaerica and they don't do same day reservation. They said call the camp ground. Something is wrong here?

Anyway I used a new iPhone app called Allstays and found a WalMart near by. Larry the manager was very nice and said no problem. Just park over in the corner of the lot. The store is up on a hill that overlooks the town below and I had a great sunset. Started the day with some yoga.

Update: All was quiet and slept through the night. Sunrise over the hills. Off to find the local Starbucks.
A Morning yoga
View from WalMart lot.  Better then most camp grounds


Sunrise over The Land of Wal.

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