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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bakery and Biking

With most of the work and maintenance done on the RV it's back to exploring. This morning I found the Entenmenn's Bakery Outlet. What a deal. My favorite coffee cake, Danish ring and cookies and some almond biscotti for $7. I froze half the goods and eating the rest now. Yum.

Near by there is Stewart State Forest. It's a 6000 acre park full of trails. It started in the 70's as the state buying up land next to Stewart Air National Guard base to develop it as a supersonic airport. That didn't happen but the exciting airport was an emergency landing option for the space shuttle. The state turned it into a park and took down all the houses and farms.


I met some people on mountain bikes as they where leaving and got tips on a good trail. Worked out well and got a challenging 6 mile single track ride in. With it being old farms it's not odd to see lots of old rock walls piled up from when they cleared the fields just different from out west. The forests are different too. Lots of trees but not much underbrush. Like the area around the house I grew up in. You can almost walk where ever you want. It's been in the 80's to 90's but feels good after being above 100.

On the way home I stopped to do some laundry (I've been using friends up till now) and chose the laundromat because there is an Italian restaurant next door and they have wifi. Clean sheets, eggplant parmesan hero and blogging. Life is Good.

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