Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Plymouth Rock

One of my earliest memories was a trip to Cape Code with my grandparents. I remember playing on the beach (getting sunburned) and visiting Plymouth Rock. I know it's been broken up and moved around and who really knows if it's true but it's the symbolism that it represents that draws us to it. Making that first step into a new world. The unknown challenges ahead but still stepping off the boat and going ashore. So it's fitting that I should start the next leg of my journey at the rock. At a place when I first remember being me. The pilgrims came here to start a new life. I'm here to remember an old one and make new memories. All ashore.

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