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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Relative cleanliness scale of clothing when traveling and living on an RV.

-1. Purchased from the store you never know who tried it on and put it back)

0. New. Washed. Never worn.

1. Normal clothing warn often and just washed and dried and put away.

2. You put it on but take it off because you changed your mind and put it back away.

3. Worn for a few hours. No major physical activity. Good for a few more times. Fold it up but not put with the clean cloths.

4. Worn a few times or for two or more days. No visible signs of dirt or grease. Too dirty to put on after a shower.

5. Ready to be washed but you pull it out and wear it one more time for a special task where you are going to get dirty quickly anyway. Probably don't want to wear it in public places (like in line at Starbucks )

6. Worn but washed in sink. Hung up to dry in shower. Return to level 2.5

7. Its been in the worn already pile You think it's ok. Put it on. Then something in the garbage must smell bad but then realize its the shirt. Quick escape and into the laundry bag.

8. It's already in the laundry bag. Pull it out but give up hope even if it's your most favorite.

9. High likely hood it could spontaneously combust.

10. So dirty and nasty the Haz Mat team is called to transport it to Yucca Mountain for long term storage.

Number of days since doing laundry: 10?

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