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Monday, July 30, 2012

Acadia National Park

(Note:  Due to limitations of internet access at the time this entry was added at a later date.)

At first I didn't understand what Acadia National Park was. It looked like a mess of roads and towns and islands. Once I got in and drove the loop road it made more sense.

I arrived into town in time to make it to the NP visitor center just before closing. Quick check with the ranger and $4.95 map, good to go. As I do often in a new place I circle the perimeter to get the lay of the land and Acadia just happens to have the loop road. Views of rugged coast line and surf and wooded hills. Half of the loop is only one way. There is a spur that goes up to the top of Cadillac Mountain which I made in time to watch the sunset. I found some ripe hucckleberrys, a high rock and held my ground. This time no one stood in front of me. Night spent at KOA just to be close to the park. In late, out early.
Sunset from Cadillac Mountain.

Moon rise from Cadillac Mountain.

Saturday I made it Bar Harbor before the shops opened and went for a run along the shore path and through town  A few people up heading for the tour boats.  I stopped by the visitor center and got a tip on the best bakery (from a very nice grey hailed old lady) and scored a killer bagel with maple-walnut-raisin cream cheese.  Continued my run and out of town before it got too busy.  No place to launch the kayak as the RV parking was at the end of town away from the docks and shore.  Keep searching.

Too early to check into the camp ground I headed to a parking area on found a prominet feature of the park, its carriage roads.  There is a network of 50 plus mile of well maintained old carriage roads now used for hiking, bicycling and still horses.  A good afternoon spent on the mountain loop trail.  15 mile up and down through the woods (with and extra mile hill climb repeat at the end just for fun and the decent.)  To the camp ground in the park in time to launch the motorcycle and get another trip on the loop road.  It's newly paved and half of it is one way.  I may have been moving slightly faster then the speed limit but I was busy watching for deer.

Carriage road.

Sunday was a rain day.  Spent most of the day in the RV cleaning house and catching up on chores.  The rain let up in the afternoon and I got a 4 mile trail run up to Eagle Crag.  The trails are strange in that they are mostly exposed roots and rocks  Some areas clean granite that almost looks paved.  Fun anyway and made it to the top and some views out to sea.
Foot.  Sign.

Acadia trail.
Cooling off / drying off on the trail run.

Monday morning was a blue sky and calm day after all the rain yesterday. I got up early and headed for the parking area I had scoped out before as about the only place I could get close to launching the kayak. Seal Harbor was calm and quiet. I paddled out to sea and into the Atlantic Ocean! Next stop Wales. A few lobsterman out working but not much else. I checked out a buoy bell. One bell, four knockers with different sizes. So depending on which way to moved the bell made different tones. I just enjoyed the morning floating around and paddled back along the coast line. As I made the last turn back into the harbor an eagle flew by and over the trees. A good end to my visit to Acadia National Park. I think this will be the farthest east. And Cadillac mountain (1530 feet) is the highest point on the eastern shore north of Brazil.

Looking back from the ocean. 
Screen shot from paddling out into the Atlantic ocean.
Atlantic Ocean.

Off to the Maine woods and mountains.
Strange foot print in the mud.  Bigfoot?

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