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Friday, August 3, 2012

Katahdin Knife Edge and Baxter Peak

Todays adventure was a hike up Katahdin and across the Knife edge to Baxter Peak.  Baxter State Park was set up ex-govener Baxter in the 1930's.  While named a state park it is managed by a different govenning board.  By design it is to have limited development inside the park area, no new roads can be built and there is very limited access.  All to keep the area as wild as possible.  Along that line they do not allow RV's or motorcycles into the park.  Prior to coming up here I made contact with a local outfitter who will drive people into the park and pick them back up again and this is what I did.

Map of the area.
5:00 am wake up.
6:15 am pick up at camp ground.
7:15 Park Ranger, "Is that all you have to wear on your feet?"
7:30 am start at trail head.

This is what a "normal" trail looks like and this is a good section.

10:00am reach first summit.  3.2 mile approach from 1500'

10:30 am start off along the Knife Edge.

An idea of some of the scrambling down climbing Chimney Peak.

On the way up I was about the clouds.  At the top they kept blowing up the ridge but never really covered it.

A view across the 1.2 mile Knife Edge.

Most the Knife Edge is walking from boulder to boulder.  Sometimes down climbing.  Sometimes climbing up.  Sometime down climbing.  Most of it was pretty stable and not many loose rocks.  Definite exposure all along the way.  I was very happy to have my Five Fingers.  They stuck to the granite rocks very well and worked liked climbing shoes.  Saw one other person wearing them but they also had shoes tied to their packs.
In some areas this is how wide the trail is.

A look up the knife edge.

Survey Marker at the top.

12:00 pm  Reached the summit Baxter Peak!

Summit photo at Baxter Peak.

Happy Hiker.

The view down into the valley.  The exit route.
1:00 pm Take off from summit.

The beginning or end of the Appalachian Trail.  The blazes are white for 2000 miles.

On my way up in the morning I passed a man hiking up to meet his son who was finishing the Appalachian Trail today after 5 months 3 days.  Just about at the summit I met his son and passed the message along.  It's very easy to tell the through hikers.  The guys have long beards and look dazed.

The view down to the saddle.
About half way down the saddle it starting raining and thunder.  While it made the rocks slippery I was very glad not to be on top.

View from the valley back up to the Saddle.
5:00 pm Reached the parking lot.
Pick up time 5:00 pm, Right on time.

Overall travel time 9 1/2 hours.
10 miles of hiking.
Est 4000' of elevation gain.
Tired but happy.

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