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Friday, August 17, 2012

Mt Marcy NY

I spent a couple of days in the Lake Placid area of the Adirondacks waiting for the better weather day. Before this trip I didn't know there was a Mt Marcy. It's the tallest peak in NY and about the center of the mountains. Park of the trail in was "normal" hiking but anything going up was more river bed and rocks. The only thing different is that it's a relative long approach at 7.1 miles. I started out at 8:30 am and made it to the summit at 1pm. Five fingers again on the way up did well. I also added a walking pole which helped more on the way down. Not sure it was the distance, day or diet change (probably all) but not my fullest energy but just kept going. As usual once making the summit most all pain forgotten. Nice views of the Adirondack's and Lake Placid valley.

At the trailhead was a sign and pile of rocks. "Carry one to the top" and help alpine preservation. How could I not? The 10 pound rock could have slowed me down too? (that's my excuse:-). There are pictures of my rock and it's new home. There where some teenagers at the start who grabbed a rock and where in front of me. One dropped it about 1/4 mile in. At the top the summit steward (someone from the parks service who hikes up every day and keeps people from mashing the plants and also for information) said she had asked someone to get rocks for people to carry up but meant ones half the size. Too late for me.

The hike out was "long" even though it was the same trail in. Left the summit at 3 and back to the RV at 7pm. Tired and glad to be done. Back to the campground. Soup. Shower. Sleep.

Orthopedic Note: Had my second trail side consult for ITBS (illeo-tibial band syndrome). Hiker limping on the way down walking like Tiny Tim. Maybe I need to carry some marcaine?

Music after hike: Tracy Chapman "At This Point in My Life"
Miles driven: 16
Miles hiked: 14.2
Hours: 11 round trip ( with 1 1/2 hours of hot rock therapy at the summit)
Elevation gain: 3166 feet

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