Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Winnebago Diet

Since I've gotten some good travel and adventures in I've been thinking about what more should I be doing to take advantage of my free time. One thing that came up was diet/food. More specifically what to eat. I've been a vegetarian for almost 30 years. Darted for mostly health reasons. Some times more or less dairy. Almost always seafood. I don't think I'm unhealthy and I don't necessarily feel bad, but maybe I could feel better? Everything is up for questioning. Lately I've described myself as a vegaquarian and opportunistic carnivore. I try to eat when I'm hungry and sleep when I'm tired. I've always been a grazer when it comes to eating.

There are two new "diets" in the news. The Paleo Diet and the Low Carb High Fat diet along with the anti-sugar lecture from Dr Lustig. The Paleo basis being eat like a caveman would given that is how we evolved for millions of years. There is no dairy. Cows being a recent domestication.

The LCHF people saying avoid most all processed carbohydrates and stick with the energy dense high fat fuel. No sugar, bread, pasta etc.

My task is to read and watch and learn what I can and then decide what makes sense to me. I'll post my findings and thoughts here as I go along. Its all confusing but one step at a time.

The two pictures are what my current food in the RV separated into based on Paleo/LCHF allowed and not. Looks like I need to go shopping. Although it may change as I go along.

I'll update this as I go.

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