Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Winnebago, Oops.

I started the day on Grand Isle, VT in the middle of Lake Champlain after a couple days of R&R. The drive north was nice and reminded me of many places.

San Jauns (farms and island life)
Florida (causeways between the islands)
Cape cod (quaint little towns)
Lake Washington (but not as developed and much bigger)

I crossed over into New York and that's when things changed. I stopped at a Walmart in Plattsburgh to get supplies. While I was waiting to check out at the four station self-serve registers an older lady walked in front if me. I said I was waiting. Well I was doing the Seattle polite thing and waiting in the middle in "one line" for the next open machine. Then pursued the the verbal attack from this woman. Her clearly brow-beaten husband just leaning on the cart and saying nothing. She proceeded to tell my there are four lines so I should pick one. Guess I'm out of WalMart protocol. Just so you know that not all NY'ers are rude, another lady that had been waiting and talking about my Five Fingers let me go ahead. Exit Walmart and let it go.

The next part is my fault. I went on to Lake Placid to camp and was driving around checking out the sights. I pulled into a spot with three car lengths open but as a made the turn the rear support for the awning clipped a parked car and ripped off. The cars owner cam out and was nice about it. It mostly just scratched his bumper. No one was hurt (except my pride). I guess if you drive long enough something will happen. Exchanged insurance info, called my agent and headed back to the camp ground.

And just to end the day, when I left the camp ground after checking in I left my "reserved" orange cone by the came sight number. When I got back it was missing. I checked with the ranger and they hadn't moved it. Lifted in NY. I guess someone liked my idea.

All in all a bit of a rough day. I know in the big scheme it's not that bad. No one hurt. Just stuff. A little frustration and being hard on myself. The real hard part may be fixing/repairing the awning. But I guess that's for the insurance.

My first RV Oops if you don't count when I pulled out of the driveway with the extension cord still attached and made it two blocks before I noticed.

Morning music: Colbie Coliet
Driving music: DMB Crash
Evening drink: Black Box

Maybe I should be careful of the music albums I pick :-)

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