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Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Day on the Ranch by Six Degrees

From Nashville I came over to eastern Tennessee to meet my old neighbor Kelly's best friend Alex from California who is also on a RV adventure with her boyfriend Michael and they are staying on Alex's sisters ranch. Get all that? Is that six degrees of separation? It's a very nice 40 acre horse range. They rehab and train horses as well as riding schools.

See the two horses?

Ranch house and arena.

Ranch ? RV park

Tack room.

A couple of the horses.

Sunset over the ranch.

Alex and I went looking for a nearby swimming hole she found online to escape the 100° plus temperature. Check out About a half hour drive away we found the Horse Creek campground in the Cherokee National Forest. At the end of a mile dirt road we came to a parking full of cars and lots of people and kids camping. Clearly a local hit spot. Right behind the camp ground everyone was in the swimming hole and hanging around the edges. We decided to explore the trails a little and after a short walk found what we where looking for. A small clearing with a waterfall and a swimming hole to cool off in. No kids screaming just the sound of the water. All along the bank of the stream was a forest of rhododendron most of which had just finished blooming. The pictures say the rest. I'm glad the people in the park didn't take the five minute walk upstream.

Heading upstream.

One of the remaining rhody blooms.

You can see to the bottom.

It was refreshing!

And peaceful.

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