Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Year Later

A year ago today (May 21, 2012) is the day I left Seattle and started this journey. Many things occurred that led up to that day and the opportunity for it to happen.  Some good things and some not so good things.  I still feel lucky to have the chance to be out here traveling. Before I left I said I could be gone three months to three years.  The first months went fast and now looking back so did the first year.  I didn't have a hugh agenda but I did accomplish some goals. I wanted some time off. Check. I wanted to  go out to Cape Cod. Check.  I wanted to kayak on the coast of Maine and see the Florida Keys. Check and Check. I wanted to live in a RV.  Check.  Many unplanned and unforeseen adventures had in-between.  I am a little poorer in cash but far richer in memories and experience.

I spent the day going through all the pictures I've taken.  If I had to pick one that sums up the year it's from being on the rock farm in Key Largo.  By random connections of time, location and people I ended up carrying buckets of rocks along the ocean floor 4 miles out to sea and 3500 miles from Seattle.  You just never know where life will take you.

 Of the places I've visited near the top goes to hiking the Knife Edge on Mt. Katahdin (the end of the Appalachian Trail in Maine).  It was one of the most amazing, strenuous, rewarding hikes/climbs I've done.  Nothing focuses your attention like 2000 feet of exposure.

A very close second goes to Angels Landing in Zion National Park.  An awe inspiring place.

  The RV feels like home and home is where I park it. I have almost everything I need in 160 sq ft of space.  There is something about being able to move one's home around on the road.  Others that have done this before me have said you'll know when it's time to get off the road.  I'm going with the saying."  Everything will be okay in the end.  If it's not okay, it's not the end."

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