Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

June by the Numbers

This is Walter. He was rescued from a Walmart parking lot. Seems he came shopping underneath someone's car and made a break for it. He now lives on the farm. 

June brought a quick trip to the east coast. I made a quick road trip to New York for my mothers 75th birthday party. She was surprised and happy to see me. Family and friends came and it was a nice little reunion. 

Along the way I stopped in Ohio and dropped off the rocks I picked up in Utah. I won't make it to see them planted in Key Largo but I do hope to get down there to see them in the water. 

Time on the farm has been a rewarding, challenging, eventful experience.  I'm taking a break and heading back to Seattle.  Time to work, build up the savings account and catch up with Seattle. 

With the miles driven this month I have now done enough in one year to drive around the earth!

Miles Driven: 2579
Gallons of gas: 367
Cost of Gas: $1377
Camping Fees: $170
Food: $135
Rocks: 1000 lbs delivered to Ohio!

Trip to Date ( May - June)
Miles driven: 25,914
Gallons of gas: 3511
Cost of gas: $13,434
Camping fees: $4,140

States: 39
Days worked: 6 (as a PA)
Days missing work: 0
Time under water: 9 hours 36 minutes
Times crossed the continental divide:  3
earth circumstance: 24,901 miles

1 comment:

  1. Walter is adorable.

    I had no conscious awareness that the circumference of the Earth was just under 25K miles, having been out of "school" that long...

    What a journey you have been on....
