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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


(NOTE:  It appears this post did not publish when I originally posted it and so may now appear out of sequence.)

My journey south through history continues. It interesting that much of what is tourest activity is visiting monuments to past wars.  On my trip out to Fort Sumter the lecture included this fact.  The civil war caused and estimated 600,000 deaths which was 2.5% of the population.  In todays numbers it would be 7 Million.

Some new vocabulary words/definitions:

Carolina. Latin for Charles.

SeeWee. The local coastal people befor the colonists.

Gullah. The low country descendants of the African slaves.

1500 foot long cable stay bridge.
View from the pedestrian walkway.

USS Clamagore.  Part of Patriots Point Navel Museum.

Hatchways trough the sub.

Torpedo room.
Sick call on the sub.
First crew of the USS Clamagore sub now mored at Patriots Point.

Fort Sumter sits out at the mouth of Charleston bay and is of historical significance as being the place of the first shot fired in the Civil War.

This is the original flag the flew over the fort during the first shots of the war.

Impeded projectile found during restoration inside the fort walls.

View from Fort Sumter.
USS Yorktown
Catapult room.

Shipboard operating room.
Old photo of ice cream stand on the aircraft carrier.  Seeing pictures of the men puts faces on the cost of war.
Boone Plantation: besides being the reminents of an original plantation given in a land grant to Boone by King Charles. Besides cotton and pecans one significance was that it was a major brick making slave operation. Some of which went to building the forts.

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