Here is the link to my SPOT GPS shared page. It only shows information that I've sent in the last 7 days. So if it's empty it just means I haven't used it lately but I'm still OK.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Missouri Rain Storm

It's been hot and sunny since I got here two weeks ago. 80's-90's every day. Some more humid then others. I was looking forward to being warm after the long Seattle winter but also wasn't sure how I would do after 22 years of Washington with probably 22 weeks of temperatures above 80. I'm glad to say I've adjusted so far. Working outside in the sun and heat was a good forced transition. I think I drank 3 gallons of iced tea.

But today was a different treat: a good ole thunderstorm. It was clear this morning and within 30 minutes the squall line rolled over and it was dark again. You could see, hear and feel it coming. Check out the satellite photo. Thunder, lightening and rain that you actually got wet in if you walked outside.

Miles traveled today:  Zero

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